The Freedom of Birds

I am thrilled to share with you some of the wonderful reviews of The Freedom of Birds and interviews I have been asked to give in the three weeks since my latest book has been published.
Here is an interview with Cindy L Spear who asks about inspirations, writing tips and favourite childhood books, and her review of The Freedom of Birds READ HERE
Alyson Baker gives a detailed, insightful analysis of the plot and says “The Freedom of birdsĀ is a sweeping picaresque novel of political turmoil, the desire for freedom, the role of art, and most of all it is a tale of friendship.” READ HERE
The reviewer from the Otago Daily Times, found it “a rumbustious adventure, fast moving, colourful, impossibly romantic, but there are no saccharine endings. The romance is countered by vivid images of the cruelty of brutal war, the misery of poverty and traumas of fractured identity.” READ HERE
Theresa Smith Writes kindly describes my writing as “..a notable talent for blending history with fiction and creating memorable characters.” READ HERE
If you are in New Zealand and regularly listen to the Arts programmes on Radio New Zealand you will know about Lynn Freeman’s Standing Room Only show – always such a pleasure to be invited on the show! LISTEN HERE
And I loved speaking with Barbie Robinson from Living Arts Canberra and you can hear our discussion and read her review “What a very fine book this is! The story gathers us and sweeps us along at a cracking pace. We care about the people of the book, feeling the primal fears of orphanhood and confinement, of cruelty and abandonment. We feel so acutely the pain of the socially oppressed, of the women and mothers subject to violence and neglect. We feel the shock of war, its futility and filth.” READ HERE